Thursday, May 23, 2013

Beginnings from Endings

This week began with an ending: a college graduation.  There was pomp (given the circumstance), there were tears (mostly from my mother), and there were many, many hugs.  There was the horror of finding out that our cheap, synthetic black robes would bleed black rivulets onto our finery if it rained.  There was the pleasant surprise that sibling rivalries fade (albeit momentarily) in the face of pride in another's accomplishment.  And I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.  But I didn't cry.  Maybe I've just been waiting for this for too long (so I can get to medical school, not get away from college) to cry about it or wallow in nostalgia.

And this is a happy week.  Today, less than 48 hours after receiving my diploma, I have a new beginning.  I'm heading off to China with the Yale Glee Club for the next two weeks, the traveling alone or with various companions for the rest of the summer. I'll be stateside for about two days between now and August so that I can swap out my poofy black concert dress for something a bit more appropriate for hundred degree adventures.  I can't really picture myself learning to box or riding an elephant in a concert dress, which are pretty much the packing criteria.

Me in my grandmother's Thai silk dress. Can't wait for Thailand in a few weeks!

So, here's to the adventures that lie ahead.  And the memories that will manifest themselves as knickknacks tucked into crevices in my luggage or muddy speckles on my sneakers.

Spotted: Custom fortune cookies.  Our lovely China tour managers greeted us this morning with fortune cookies which we discovered have custom messages inside.  Most of them are quotes from our illustrious leader, Dr. Jeffrey Douma.

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